Wisdom is not some thing.
It is not something you can add to yourself.
It is what is left when the ignorance about how the world really works, is no longer there.
An example;
Take the situation where a toddler does something naughty.
One person might say "you are a naughty boy" and eventually with enough repetition and reinforcement (emotional threats or pleadings) the toddler may start to believe that this is integral to him. The child will come to believe that HE is a naughty person. When he describes himself he will add naughtiness to his characteristics.
Another person might say "doing that is naughty, don't do it."
This means that the child has a choice about doing that behaviour. It's not him, it's something he does or doesn't do. He not a victim of his personality.
The wise person would see that maybe something in the circumstances triggered the behaviour, be it tiredness or an external stimulation and decide that rather than chastise the child it may be time for a sleep, etc. The wise person might also encourage him to see what is behind his behaviour.
The unwise person may take the child's behaviour personally, that is, they may believe that the child is intentionally interrupting them or demanding attention from them because it doesn't like what they are doing.
People who are very unwise take everything personally.
A wise person sees the bigger picture. They don't automatically respond with a judgement that this is "good" or "bad". Most people approach the world with an opinion which becomes the 'coloured glasses' through which they see the world.
Is the glass half full or is the glass half empty?
How would a wise person see this? The pessimist says "half empty". The optimist says "half full".
The wise person might say "we have a certain amount of water and a certain amount of space, what is the intention for this glass? "
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